
Media Activation

Smartify Media programmatic advertising platform monetizes the inherent media value of commercial, mixed-use, qualified retail properties and destination venues. Our state-of-the-art, programmatically-enabled digital signage solutions empower property owners and developers to immediately tap into valuable, but often dormant, ancillary revenue streams while simultaneously broadcasting onsite messaging and information to visitors.

Discover the Media Value of Your Real Estate Portfolio

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Smartify Commercial Clients

We specialize in seamlessly integrating EV charging station displays, digital outdoor kiosks, interior retail-media displays, and eye-catching in-window digital signage within your properties, often with zero capital investment required.

Rather than merely attracting advertising, we expertly deliver, manage and optimize multiple advertising income streams, consumer engagement opportunities for maximum impact and revenue generation for our real estate and retail partners

Our approach not only enhances your property's aesthetic and engagement value but also turns it into a high-performing media asset, for on-premise and synergistic third-party revenue generating content. Partner with us to leverage the untapped media potential of your real estate, creating a sustainable and lucrative digital ecosystem.